Ride #5: Arsicault Bakery
I’d been craving Arsicault for weeks and was so glad to finally get a chance to visit.
I can’t recall how many mornings I had to cancel my pitstop on my way back from Hawk Hill, after being faced with a loong line wrapping around the block. Luckily, I swung by on a light drizzly morning and was surprised to only have to wait 10 minutes to get my hands on a delicious, freshly baked croissant.
Quick tip: People don’t like waiting in rain. Consider planning ahead and schedule your trip on a rainy morning for little to no lines.
My Bakery Log.
Chocolate almond croissant
Almond croissant
Morning bun
Cranberry coconut scone
My Ride Log.
Total distance: 22 mi
Elev gain: 1345 ft
Podcast: CyclingTips Podcast - How lockdown is shaping the future of cycling
Takeaway: Many races are at risk of being cancelled forever.
Today cycling is an incredibly niche sport that’s mostly participation-based, not audience-based (meaning, there are more people interested in riding bikes leisurely vs. following the professional space like basketball or football). These characteristics paired with the pandemic’s impact on race calendars might wipe out a lot of races that supported up and coming pro cyclists.